
Glorimi Authorized Distributors.

If you have an offline and online sales team in your local market with brand development experience, and you have the necessary skills in bulk sales, we can probably have a good partnership. We hope for partnerships that seek long-term cooperation to create a better user experience and make our brand known internationally.



Years of experience


Employees worldwide


Positive feedback


Successfully completed projects

People behind our success

Sarah Cole

Sarah Cole

CEO, Co-Founder

Charlie Welch

Charlie Welch

CTO, Co-Founder

Emma Brown

Emma Brown

Director of Marketing

Rosalie Lyons

Rosalie Lyons

Financial Director

Jane Tanaka

Jane Tanaka

Lead PR Strategist

Sanomi Smith

Sanomi Smith

Director of Human Resources

Olivia Jones

Olivia Jones

Content Manager

Richard Davis

Richard Davis

Lead Accountant

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